A clear and correct technical product documentation is a strong link in your overall product quality!
You want to present your product in the proper way to your customers. This implies that the technical details and characteristics of your product must always be correctly represented in the product documentation.
When making a proper technical product documentation an accurate representation of the product details and a correct presentation of the technical data are of paramount importance. Besides that the 'look' of the documentation must be in accordance with your house-style and company profile.
We can make your brochures, data sheets, catalogues, etc. with all the commonly applied software like Adobe InDesign, Pagemaker, Illustrator, CorelDRAW. We also use all commonly used photo-editing software like Adobe Photohop, Corel PhotoPaint en PaintShop Pro.
Besides we can edit AutoCAD drawings -even the latest versions! - or if necessary draw them for you. Recently we are able to make professional 3D-drawings as well, using TurboCAD Professional v16!!

Click here for some examples of brochures that we have designed for our customers.
